The Oasthouse Ventures story

Oasthouse Ventures is born from the founders’ desire to build businesses of integrity, which help our society and our planet.

Oasthouse Ventures Story graphic containing a photograph of the Sessions building

A better tomorrow

Aerial view of the Bury St Edmunds expansive greenhouse

Every acre of greenhouse produces 10 times more food than traditional farming.

From the very beginning, we’ve advanced ideas, people, and enterprises that not only interest us but also create positive change.

Our founders’ obsession with always delivering something better has led us on a unique journey. Today we are building companies which make a difference.

The challenge we face

The science is indisputable. The scale of the challenge immense. We need to act, to do things better, and that is our goal.

To limit global warming we need to not only reduce emissions but also remove hundreds of billions of tonnes of carbon dioxide from the atmosphere in this century. On neither front are we currently succeeding, but we must strive to change those things we can, and for us that starts with ethical, low-carbon businesses.
We aim to be thought leaders, setting an example for other businesses to follow.

Every acre of greenhouse produces 10 times more food than traditional farming.

Our founders

Andy Allen


Andy is a developer and investor.

Andy has established several low-carbon infrastructure businesses in the UK and US with project development values of >£750m.
As an investor Andy is very concerned about the lack of progress in the reduction of carbon emissions and the enormity of the challenge to remove carbon dioxide from the atmosphere. His focus is on those ideas and businesses which offer change for the better.
Andy previously worked in corporate finance in the City of London.

Simon Turner


Simon trained as an engineer and has worked within renewable energy for 15 years. He has vast experience in sustainable infrastructure projects from feasibility through to operation.

His roles of developer, consultant, investor and asset manager have enabled him to work with a vast range of stakeholders across the globe. This unique experience and skillset have shaped his approach to current investments and developments.

He has co-founded and exited an international engineering consultancy and several development companies. He continues to develop cutting edge renewable energy businesses through Oasthouse Ventures as well as seeking new ones.

Oliver Soper


Oliver was the co-founder of OST Energy, an engineering consultancy specializing in renewable energy. OST advised on over 30GW of solar, wind and biomass renewable energy projects in over 25 countries across the world with offices on every inhabited continent. In 2015 OST Energy was purchased by Rina Consulting S.P.A.

He was also the Co-founder of successful project development companies Sun and Soil Ltd, and Energy Reservoirs who have developed 18 major renewable energy and battery storage projects within the UK.
Oliver has a thorough understanding of renewable energy project requirements at all stages of development and operation for each key stakeholder, and a clear comprehension of the market dynamics required for a renewable industry to scale successfully in a given geography.
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